As your Payroll of Record - PEO Services provider, Ahead Human Resources will be responsible to provide the Work Based Learning Participant Employers the following services:

  • Payroll Administration & Processing
  • Direct Deposit / Banking ACH / Paycard Administration
  • Tax Deposits / Tax Filing / Year-End Payroll Reconciliation
  • Employee W-2 Processing and Administration
  • New Employee Paperwork & Retention
  • New Hire Reporting Compliance
  • I-9 Compliance & Retention
  • Indiana Dept of Labor Compliance Assistance
  • Indiana Dept of Labor Youth Employment Services – YES
  • Employment Verification
  • Employment Regulation & Compliance Assistance
  • Unemployment Administration
  • Workers Compensation Administration
  • Drug/Alcohol Policy & Testing Administration

Get Started with us Today

    The services listed here are only available to employers participating in the Indiana Work Based Learning Program sponsored by the Indiana Department of Education.